Thursday, September 29, 2011

Seduction of A Highland Lass by Maya Banks

Fiercely loyal to his elder brother, Alaric McCabe leads his clan in the fight for their birthright. Now he is prepared to wed for duty, as well. But on his way to claim the hand of Rionna McDonald, daughter of a neighboring chieftain, he is ambushed and left for dead. Miraculously, his life is saved by the soft touch of a Highland angel, a courageous beauty who will put to the test his fealty to his clan, his honer, and his deepest desires.
As a outcast from her own clan Keeley McDonald was betrayed by those she loved and trusted. When the wounded warrior falls from his horse, she is drawn to his strong, lean body. The wicked glint in his green eyes ignites a passion that will follow them back to Alaric's keep, where their forbidden love draws them deeper into the pleasures of the flesh. But as conspiracy and danger circle closer, Alaric must make an impossible choice: Will he betray his blood ties for the women he loves??
This is the second book of Ms Banks Highland series, and I have to say I loved this book as much as I loved In Bed With A Highlander. As with the first book I finished this book in one day, could not put it down. So I had a very nice day with a wonderful book.
Poor Alaric is going to marry a girl that he really doesn't know very well, has only meet her once and knows he is doing it for the good of the clan. Keeley is a woman who has been betrayed by her clan and her best friend. She was banished from her clan for something she did not do. When Alaric lands on her door she is drawn to her warrior and knows she needs to help him.
When Alaric's family come looking for him they take Keeley back with them to the keep, even though she really doesn't want to go, but she really has no choice because Alaric's brother needs a healer for there keep and his wife is about to have their first child.
I loved the fact that even though Keeley was treated badly by her old clan that the McCabes took her in and reassured her that she is now part of their clan. Now she does push the fact until she is really sure about it, and she is very strong person.
Her love for Alaric grows and he feels something for her that he can't explain. He knows he has to marry another, but he can't stay away from Keeley. Keeley also tries to stay away but you know as well as I do what is going to happen.
I loved the part that happened the night before Alaric was to marry, what he said to her was very touching, but they both know he has a duty and has to do what is best for the clan even though they both love each other. This is just one of many wonderful parts of this book.
As I said I loved the first book, love this book and now can't wait for the third book Never Love A Highlander which is about the last brother Caelen. If it is anything like the first two books I know I will be reading t in one to!!!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I'm going to try to start this book this weekend. I loved the first one.