Friday, March 11, 2011

Me Thinking Out Loud

Dani says: Call this silly, call this petty, but I've been wondering why authors/publishers think that everyone has a Kindle?? So many times I've received emails or seen posts about getting a free book for your Kindle. What about readers who have a Sony, Kobo, Nook or another eDevice? Now, I understand that you can download the Kindle app on your computer. Reading an ebook on a computer is something that I tried once and swore I would never do again. Publishing companies -- if your going to make an ebook free for one device, make it free for all ebook devices. By the way I have both the Kindle 2 and a Sony 950 There I feel better now, I got this off my chest. ************************************************************************************Teri Says: You know Dani, you're right. Most of the offerings out there are for Kindles. Fine by me, since I have a Kindle, and also a iPad. My gripe is, charging 99 cents for a novella that was released about 6 weeks prior to the book release date. You know tempt you, give you just a tiny little taste so on new book Tuesday you're off to the store buying the book or downloading it on your reader. Then you get home, all comfy in your reading chair and realize......that novella you PAID for is the prologue of the book you are reading!!! many times or how many ways can you cash in on one book? I guess quite a few.
Debra say's:
I have to agree with Danielle on this one. I don't own a Kindle nor do I plan on buying one. I have my Kobo and I would love for the publishing companies to start offering free reads for my reader. There are a lot of different e readers out there and I bought a Kobo so I wouldn't have to read a book off my computer.
I bet if publishers would offer the free reads to all the e readers a lot of people would find some authors they would like to try out, then maybe look for their backlist, I know I do that!! Sounds to me that would be a very good marketing ploy.


Jan Jaffe said...

I don't have an e reader as of yet but Steve(Hubby) says if i get rid of every single book
to make more space he will buy me a kindle.!!
Hard Bargain We all love books and e books :)
Hugs, J.

Teri P said...

The reason I switched to a reader is storage. I have about 1500 books, and space is limited. Though I must admit, some favorite authors, like JD Robb and the In Death series, I have in hardcover. Not sure the day will ever come that I will totally give up hardcopy books!!